2 raw pheasant carcasses
1 onion
1 carrot
1 clove garlic
1 rasher streaky bacon
A little fresh rosemary
Duck fat
Fry the onion, bacon, and carrot in a little duck fat until slightly
browned. Add the bashed up garlic and ripped up carcasses. Fry until
the meat is slightly browned. Add cold water to cover everything and
bring to a simmer. Skim off the fat. Play the violin for 1 hour.
Skim off the fat. Add 2 teaspoons of tomato puree. Rip all the meat
you can off the pheasant bits. Play violin a little longer.
Sieve the whole lot into another pot. Put some dried wild mushrooms
(chanterelle and horn of plenty) in a little water to soak. Reduce the
soup a bit and season. Add a big handful of brown rice. Play violin a
little longer. When ready to serve, throw the mushrooms and bits of
pheasant meat into the soup.