Wednesday, December 13, 2006

roast garlic and pumpkin soup

Roast a bulb of garlic (in foil) with a pumpkin cut into 8th's.
(Sprinkle black pepper and cumin on the pumpkin first, and a drizzle
of olive oil)

After about 1.5 hours, remove and leave to cool.

Blend the garlic with chicken stock* and add the pumpkin. When smooth,
add cream, stock, chopped sage, salt and pepper to taste.

* Stock:
1 chicken carcass, roasted until dark red
2 onions
1 large carrot
3 thin sticks celery
Top bit of a leek
2 bay leaves
2 sprigs rosemary
1 star anise

Beans and Sausages

2 Onions
1 large / 2 small Carrots
1/2 a pack dry Pinto beans, soaked
2 Bay leaves
1 large sprig thyme
1 large sprig rosemary
1 sprig sage
1/3 bottle red wine
5 big fat toulouse sausages (from butcher)
Olive oil

Fry onions and carrots until slightly coloured. Add herbs and beans
and plenty of water. Pressure cook for about 20 mins or simmer until
beans are tender.
Brown the sausages well in a frying pan and add to the pot whole.
Deglaze the frying pan with the wine and set it alight. Add this to
the pot. Simmer for up to an hour until the sausages are really firm
and the sauce has reduced enough. Add Salt and Pepper to taste.

Serve with wilted spinach and rice